
When I was a child, I baked a cake. My dad thought it sounded good, so I asked for my mom’s recipe, rummaged through our cupboards for the ingredients and made a cake. My parents were pleased with me, and I am sure I was quite proud of myself. I made the cake. Me. Years later, now a parent myself, my understanding of the part I played in making that cake have changed. My dad […]

Hide and Seek 2

As a child of God, I am never out of His sight; even if I’m being a rebellious punk, He is still faithful to watch over me. But it occurs to me that we are often like toddlers playing hide and seek. We assume that if we can’t see Him, He can’t see us. We cover our vision with sin and distractions, we hide behind busyness and feel that we are out of His sight, […]

Play In The Woods, by Laura Pappas

My Mom and Dad got this gorgeous tongue drum as a gift for my birthday. It was made by Michael Thiele and sounds so happy that when I started playing it this song came out.  I’ll post the lyrics below. “When I, I was young, didn’t worry ’bout pleasing anyone, didn’t care if I was misunderstood, I just wanted to go play in the woods. Why am I so conscious of, what you’re thinking and […]

Entrance (By Liz Vice)

I love this song. It was written by Liz Vice, I’ll post the lyrics below. “There you were hanging, transforming the pain into Entrance into your heart Before we could come in, you had to destroy within The dark that kept us apart Before we had heard of you, but had no concern for you Darkness was all around The wall was so high, no way to get by But then you tore it all […]

Good > Comfort 2

  I’ve been praying for the last year or so that God would show me what He wants me to do. What His plans for me are, the actual physical steps I need to do to manifest His work here on earth. I don’t want to be so caught up in the day to day work that I ignore the spiritual work. Because of the incessant busyness of life, the middle of the night seems […]

Where’s My Cape? 6

When my husband’s mind wanders, he thinks of practical things relating to real life problem solving. I do not. I have a fun imagination and when I dream up stories, I’m usually an action hero. I’ve imagined all these crazy scenarios in which I’d come to the rescue of someone in need, even putting my life in danger to do so.   Last week, I was stuck in traffic on a bridge and saw a […]